Credential Overview

In order to become a school administrator you will need to obtain a Preliminary Administrative Services credential. For a complete list of the services you will be able to provide as a credentialed administrator visit the CTC Administrative Services Credential page.


For working professionals

Our Educational Leadership credential program is designed for educational professionals currently working in schools full time. All of the Educational Leadership (EDL) courses are offered on weekends and all coursework for each level is designed to be completed in one academic year.

Before you apply… 

From California tests to minimum GPAs, you must meet minimum eligibility requirements to enter the program. Before beginning the application process, make sure to review our eligibility & application page and plan ahead.

Eligibility & Application


Grow Your Own Administrator

Cal Poly Humboldt is proud to collaborate with the Blue Lake Rancheria to provide the Grow Your Own Administrator (GYOA) program funded by the US Department of Education. 



GYOA funds up to 24 Native American certificated school employees (teachers, counselors, nurses, school pathologists, school psychologists...) to earn their Preliminary California Administrative Credentials for free! Applicants from across Northern California are eligible to participate.

GYOA will: (1) directly pay all tuition, fees and books for the Humboldt State University Administrative Credential
program, and (2) pay participants a $500 a month stipend for the ten months they are in the Preliminary Administrative
Credential Program ($5,000 total). To receive the scholarship and stipends participants will need to apply to the Blue
Lake Rancheria using forms provided.

We had our first cohort beginning in August 2022, and are planning for additional cohorts in August 2023 and August 2024.

If you’re interested, please send an email to Steve Godla at or call 707-218-5040.