Required Courses

Course work

Fall Semester:
Week 1: Full-time Fieldwork Introduction
Weeks 2-10: split between coursework and fieldwork
Weeks 10-16: Full-time Fieldwork

Spring Semester:
Weeks 0-2: Full-time Fieldwork Introduction
Weeks 2-10: split between coursework and fieldwork
Weeks 10-16: Full-time Fieldwork


Fall Semester (21 units)

  • EED 708 Performance Assessment Support (1)
  • EED 712 Teaching and Learning in Elementary Schools (1)
  • EED 720 The School and the Student (1)
  • EED 721 Multicultural Foundations (2)
  • EED 722 English Language Skills and Reading (2)
  • EED 723/723B Integrated Math/Science in Elem School (4)
  • EED 733/733B Teaching English Learners (2)
  • EED 750 Student Teaching in Elementary School (8)

Spring Semester (23 units)

  • EED 709 Performance Assessment Support (1)
  • EED 720B The School and the Student (1)
  • EED 722B English Language Skills and Reading (1)
  • EED 724/724B Fine Arts in Integrated Elem Curriculum (2)
  • EED 726 Professional Development Seminar (1)
  • EED 728 History/Social Science in Integrated Elem Curriculum (2)
  • EED 741 PE and Health Curriculum in Elementary Schools (2)
  • EDUC 377 Education of Exceptional Individuals (2)
  • EED 758 Student Teaching in Elementary School (11)

Candidates must maintain a “B” average in preliminary credential coursework to remain in the program. To be recommended for a credential, candidates must have no grade lower than a “C-” in a preliminary credential course.

Please note: Fieldwork extends through mid-June, the end of the K-12 school year. Credential candidates may participate in commencement exercises in May, and then must continue teaching in their fieldwork placement until the end of the public school academic year.

When regular semester-long classes begin, credential candidates begin full-time at their fieldwork placement. After two weeks of full-time fieldwork, credential candidates shift to a split schedule of fieldwork and coursework. This continues for 8 to 10 weeks, at which time candidates again shift to full-time fieldwork for the duration of the semester.

Spring semester follows the same basic schedule and candidates stay at their school site placement until the end of the public school semester in June.

The Elementary Education Credential Program is a one-year course of study that begins in the fall semester of each year. Students can obtain a Multiple Subjects Preliminary Credential by taking a 44-unit professional education program to qualify for Elementary Education teaching positions, which are primarily in grades K-8.


On the first day of school for your fall placement site, you will be there full time to observe your mentor teacher begin the school year and establish the classroom environment. For the first eight weeks of fall semester, you will have afternoon-evening courses five days per week (Monday-Friday) and participate at your field site four hours per morning, Monday-Thursday, each week. The last seven weeks of the semester, you will be student teaching full time, integrating theories learned in the course work with your teaching practice and culminating in solo student teaching (five day minimum).

Spring semester coursework/fieldwork follows a pattern similar to fall: full-time observation and participation in your second fieldwork placement the first two weeks of January; eight weeks of course work (Monday - Friday) with four hours per morning, Monday-Thursday, per week in your placement, and fourteen (or more) weeks of full-time student teaching, culminating in a two-week (minimum) solo and team teaching to the end of the K-12 school year. Each semester will include a different fieldwork placement. You will enroll in the following courses during the credential year (units in parentheses):