Julie Van Sickle
Julie Van Sickle is a Cal Poly Humboldt alum and serves several education roles in our community. She is a teaching faculty member in the School of Education, as well as in College of Natural Resources (Environmental Science & Management Grant Writing, Oceanography Research and Writing, and Biology Education Internships). As the director of the Humboldt Natural History Museum, Julie has the honor of working with students and faculty from across the university in utilizing the museum for class projects and internships and reaching out to our broader community and visitors. Julie also teaches 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students at a local elementary school as part of a gifted education pull-out program and coordinates gifted student programming in our local region. When not working, she enjoys traveling, gardening, cooking, hiking, the beach, and spending time with friends and family.
Specialty Area
teacher education, science education, social emotional development, teaching learning communities, Lesson Study