- Secondary Education
Intern Program - Single Subject
Program Description
The intern program, in partnership with HCOE and other participating school districts, allows public and non-public school teachers who do not hold preliminary single subject credentials to complete a credential program with supervision and mentoring while employed as teachers. Further information can be obtained from the Secondary Education Program Coordinator, Keshnee Naidoo, at kmn67@humboldt.edu.
Early program completion option available to qualified candidates. Contact the Secondary Education Program Coordinator, Keshnee Naidoo, at kmn67@humboldt.edu.
To be eligible to participate in the Single Subject Intern Program, each candidate must have:
- Earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university;
- Passed a Subject Matter Knowledge Exam (CSET), have completed a Subject Matter Waiver Program, or have a qualifying undergraduate major;
- Obtained a Certificate of Clearance;
- Meet U.S. Constitution Requirement;
- Complete an application for the Secondary Education Credential Program;
- Verification of employment with a school district (0.5 -1.0 FTE);
- Letter from administrator stating who the assigned district employed mentor will be and a plan for 5 hrs of weekly support from mentor (144 hrs annually)
- Complete Fall Preservice Requirements;
To be Awarded a Preliminary Teaching Credential, all Interns Must:
- Successfully complete the Secondary Education Credential Program;
- Pass both cycles of CalTPA
- Provide valid CPR (adult, child, and infant) certification
Single Subject Intern Program Forms
- Memorandum of Understanding for the Secondary Education Intern Program
- Intern Professional Development Plan
- Intern Support and Supervision Log
- Intern Program Pre-service Report and Credential Checklist
- Request for Intern Credential Check