Information & Requirements

As a Liberal Studies Elementary Education major there are two concentration pathways:

  • LSEE Majors formally declare their concentration pathway in the spring semester of their junior year.
  • The coursework and concentration-specific requirements for each pathway are completed during an LSEE major's final year, unless noted differently below.

Elementary Education Concentration (120 total units)
This concentration is also referred to as the Educational Studies Pathway and prepares undergraduate students to earn a bachelor’s degree. With this pathway graduates are prepared to work in a variety of careers within the field of education or enter a post-baccalaureate credential program. Student interest and career goals are central to the selection of their individually designed depth of study coursework. This concentration does not include a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential.

Elementary Education (ITEP) Concentration (125 total units)

This concentration is also referred to as the ITP Pathway prepares undergraduate students to earn a bachelor’s degree and to be recommended for a preliminary Multiple Subject Credential through an integrated and accelerated final year. With this pathway graduates are prepared to work in K-8 schools with a California State Teaching Credential. This allows LSEE ITP concentration students to graduate in four years with a bachelor's degree and a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. This concentration has CTC Approved admission prerequisites and requirements. Please see the admissions guide below.

LSEE and CollegeCorps are partnering. Students can serve with CollegeCorps for financial aid. See CollegeCorps to apply.



Elementary Education ITEP Concentration - Admissions Guide

There are several prerequisites that must be met to be accepted into the ITP Concentration Pathway as part of the requirements for earning a Multiple Subject Credential. Students in this pathway must successfully meet these prerequisites during their Junior and Senior years. Support and preparation will be integrated into many of the LSEE courses.

  1. California Basic Skills Requirement 
    The Basic Skills Requirement is met through coursework or passing a subject-specific CBEST exam. Determinations about BSR will be explored in consultation with the LSEE Program Coordinator/Advisor through transcript audits and review by the Cal Poly Humboldt School of Education Credential Analyst
  2. Subject Matter Competency 
    This is met through the Liberal Studies Elementary Education Coursework
  3. CPR Certification
  4. Certificate of Clearance
    This process can take up to 6 weeks so apply early! The COC is required for all LSEE Fieldwork and is valid for 5 years.
  5. TB Screening
    Student must have a valid negative TB Screening or test to be allowed to pursue fieldwork or student teaching at an elementary school. This service is available at the Student Health Center on campus or through the student's primary care provider.
  6. US Constitution Courses: You have taken your US Constitution courses as a part of your undergraduate degree. 
  7. ITP Concentration Application Process: The application process is completed in two phases:
    1. Phase 1: ITP Application Process. Review, and Initial Admission Decision
    2. Phase 2: Dispositional Assessment Virtual Interview Process, Review, and Final Admission Decision

Additional Requirements for Credential Recommendations

  1. Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA)
    Students can complete this exam as soon as they feel ready to take it. We recommend completing this requirement before the senior year, if possible. Passing the RICA is a requirement for credential recommendation. 
  2. Teaching Performance Assessment - CalTPA Guidelines
    The CalTPA is the TPA assessment used in the Cal Poly Humboldt School of Education. Students complete this assessment in their Senior year. Passing the CalTPA is a requirement for credential recommendation.